Monday, August 18, 2008

Just finished my First Screenplay

A couple days ago I finished something huge for myself. I finally completed a feature length screnplay. Coming in at 112 pages, The Black Legion is the first story that I took all the way to a rough draft. I'm really amazed by myself because I started it on July 7th and finished the first draft on August 12th. So in a month and some change I went from not even knowing the character of Jared Mackey and his world of science fiction and superheroes to having a completed idea and taking it a step further because now I have outlines for two subsequent movies. The goal at this point is definitely to sell this script, but in the meantime I'm just getting some friends to read it and tell me what they think before I go full on into trying to get it optioned. It's definitely a high moment in my life and after the deep since of accomplishment I feel now, I have to keep going. I have to write more because when I wrote FADE OUT on the Black Legion I had to walk away from the computer. I was completely blown away by the emotional release of it all.

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