So every once and a while CGTalk does these VFX Challenge things. They're usually pretty cool and random people from all over the world participate. I was looking on the screenwriting page a month or ago and there was a request for short stories. So I whipped together a couple quick things based around the idea of a plane crash. Here's the first one.
"A Brief History of Aeronautics"
"Early Advances"
Man with wings attached jumps off a cliff and flaps really hard. He maintains flight for a couple seconds. The wings fall apart and he goes tumbling down.
Man running with a hangglider. Trips and slams face first into ground. A small fire starts and an assistant runs up and stomps him out.
"Eventual Successes"
Rickety old plane flies along. Camera pans with it and all is going well.
Same plane crashes into a mountain and bursts into flames.
"Planes Evolved"
Quick clips of modern planes and rocket ships.
Jet takes off then crashes hard into the ground. Huge Explosion. Fire everywhere.
Rocketship is starting it's ignition sequence and just as it's taking off fire rips thru the whole thing, blasting it to pieces.
A plane is flying along and out of nowhere another plane rips thru it's side. Biggest explosion so far as both planes burst open throwing pieces in every direction. The two planes hurl towards the ground and hit with enough force to make a massive shockwave that knocks over cars and uproots trees.
"The Future"
Man straps on a rocket pack. Gives a thumbs up to the camera and hits a button. He flies straight up and then it kicks to the right and slams him into a wall. The rockets keep firing, pinning him into the wall. After a moment, they stop. He starts to fall towards the ground and they fire again, buring him into the ground. A small mushroom cloud comes up from the hole in the ground.
Really pretty, ultra polished, really graphic designy poster with a bus on it. Says something on it about new cross country rates being lowered or something of that nature.
"When's the last time one of them crashed into a mountain?"
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
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